Primary Maintenance Tasks

A DKAN site does not differ substantially from maintaining other Drupal sites.

By "maintenance" we mean three specific tasks

Getting DKAN Updates

DKAN uses a slightly modified semantic versioning system.


Please note you can not use drush up with DKAN. This is because DKAN is not packaged on

Basic Upgrades

If you are maintaining your site with DKAN Tools, upgrading is as simple as running

dktl composer require 'getdkan/dkan:2.1.0'

Or edit the version number in your composer.json file:

"require": {
    "getdkan/dkan": "2.0.0"

and run composer update

Upgrading DKAN from 7.x-1.x to 8.x-2.x

The easiest method will be to stand up a fresh Drupal 8 DKAN site and harvest the datasets from your Drupal 7 DKAN site.

A more detailed upgrade path will be documented soon.

Adding modules to your project

dktl composer require 'drupal/group:1.2'