Database and file backups

Restoring a database dump or site files

DKAN Tools' restore commands can restore from a local or remote dump of the database, as well as restore a files archive. This simplest way to do this is:

dktl dkan:restore --db_url=<path_to_db> --files_url=<path_to_files>

As described below, these options can be stored in a configuration file so that you can simply type dktl restore.

You may also restore from a local database backup, as long as it is placed in a folder under the project root called /backups. Type dktl db:restore with no argument, and the backup in /backups will be restored if there is only one, or you will be allowed to select from a list if there are several.

Configuring DKTL commands

You will probably want to set up some default arguments for certain commands, especially the urls for the restore command. This is what the dkan.yml file is for. You can provide options for any DKTL command in dkan.yml. For instance:

      db_url: "s3://my-backups-bucket/my-db.sql.gz"
      files_url: "s3://my-backups-bucket/my-files.tar.gz"

If you include this in your dktl.yml file, typing dktl restore without any arguments will load these two options.

Create and grab a database dump excluding tables

You can create a database dump excluding tables related to cache, devel, webform submissions and DKAN datastore. Running the command dktl site:grab-database @alias will create the database backup for the drush alias passed as argument.

This command needs to be run with DKTL_MODE set to "HOST". So you'll need to run export DKTL_MODE="HOST" and after the command finishes, you should set it back to its old value or just unset the variable by running unset DKTL_MODE.

If you want to import this dump into your local development site, then you can move the file excluded_tables.sql into the directory backups in the root of your project, then you'll be able to import it by running dktl restore:db excluded_tables.sql.