
Using Xdebug

When using the standard docker-compose environment, Xdebug can be enabled on both the web and CLI containers as needed. Running it creates a significant performance hit, so it is disabled by default. To enable, simply run dktl xdebug:start. A new xdebug.ini file will be added to /src/docker/etc/php, and the corresponding containers will restart. In most situations, this file should be excluded from version control with .gitignore.

To turn off Xdebug, run dktl xdebug:stop, the .ini file will be removed and the container restarted.

Inspect the containers

View logs

Error messages

Error Solution
UnixHTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=None): Read timed out. Restart Docker
No container found for cli_1 Find dangling container and remove it:docker ps -a && docker stop [container-id] && docker rm -v [container-name]
PHP Warning: is_file(): Unable to find the wrapper "s3" Delete the vendor directory in your local dkan-tools and run dktl in your project directory
hanging ownership of new files to host user ... chown: ...: illegal group name Disable the chown behavior `export DKTL_CHOWN="FALSE"