
  1. Download or clone this repository into any location on your development machine.
  2. Add bin/dktl to your $PATH.

    • This is often accomplished by adding a symbolic link to a folder already in your path, like ~/bin. For instance, if DKAN Tools is located in /myworkspace:

    ln -s /myworkspace/dkan-tools/bin/dktl ~/bin/dktl

    • Alternatively, you could add /myworkspace/dkan-tools/bin directly to your $PATH. Enter this in your terminal or add it to your session permanently by adding a line in .bashrc or .bash_profile:

    export PATH=$PATH:/myworkspace/dkan-tools/bin

DKAN Quick-Start Demo

Create a project directory, initialize the project and run the demo script.

mkdir my_project && cd my_project
dktl init
dktl demo

This will set up the Drupal backend with sample content and build the frontend app to demonstrate how a standard site would function.

To get a better idea of how DKAN and DKAN-tools work, you may want to follow the more detailed steps in the next section.