DKAN Tools

This CLI application provides tools for implementing, developing, and maintaining DKAN, the Drupal-based open data catalog. For Drupal 7.x projects use the 1.x branch.


DKAN Tools was designed with a Docker-based local development environment in mind. Current requirements are simply:

That's it! All other dependencies are included in the Docker containers that dkan-tools will create.

Basic usage

Once you are working in an initialized project folder, you can type dktl at any time to see a list of all available commands.

Available commands:
deploy                      Performs common tasks when switching databases or code bases.
help                        Displays help for a command
init                        Initialize DKAN project directory.
install                     Perform Drupal/DKAN database installation
list                        Lists commands
make                        Get all necessary dependencies and "make" a working codebase.
restore                     Restore files and database.
dkan:demo                   [demo] Create a new demo project.
dkan:docs                   Build DKAN docs with doxygen.
dkan:test-cypress           Run DKAN Cypress Tests.
dkan:test-dredd             Run DKAN Dredd Tests.
dkan:test-phpunit           Run DKAN PhpUnit Tests. Additional phpunit CLI options can be passed.
dkan:test-phpunit-coverage  Run DKAN PhpUnit Tests and send a coverage report to CodeClimate.
docker:compose              [dc] Run a docker-compose command. E.g. "dktl docker:compose ps".
docker:proxy-connect        [proxy:connect] Connect the web container to the proxy.
docker:proxy-kill           [proxy:kill] Kill the dktl proxy service.
docker:url                  [url] Display the http web URL for the current project.
exec:composer               [composer] Proxy to composer.
exec:drush                  [drush] Run drush command on current site.
frontend:build              Build frontend app.
frontend:get                Download the DKAN frontend app to src/frontend.
frontend:install            Download frontend app if not present, and run npm install.
frontend:test               Run cypress tests on the frontend app.
git:config                  Configure git in current environment with user name and email.
git:deploy                  Deploy code including gitignored files to branch of same name on Acquia.
git:remove-submodules       Recurse through docroot and vendor and delete all .git dirs.
init:dkan                   Add DKAN as a dependency to the project composer.json.
init:drupal                 Create a new Drupal project in the current directory.
install:sample              Install DKAN sample content.
make:symlinks               Create symlinks from docroot to folders in src.
restore:db                  Restore the database from a backup.
restore:files               Restore a files archive to appropriate site directories.
restore:grab-database       Create a database dump excluding devel and datastore tables.
xdebug:start                Start xdebug on CLI and web containers.
xdebug:stop                 Stop xdebug on CLI and web containers.

Running without Docker

If for some reason you would like to use some of DKTL without docker, there is a mechanism to accomplish this.

First of all, make sure that you have all of the software DKTL needs:

  1. PHP
  2. Composer
  3. Drush

The mode in which DKTL runs is controlled by an environment variable: DKTL_MODE. To run DKLT without docker set the environment variable to HOST:


To go back to running in docker mode, set the variable to DOCKER (or just delete it).

Automated Proxy:

DKAN-tools leverages traefik to route traffic based on a per-environment domain name. Traefik is run as a singleton service named dktl-proxy.

dktl-proxy will serve your website from a constructed domain in the form of "{{dktl-slug}}", where dktl-slug is the per project string identifying the current environment. If your project directory is dkan, the project will be served at //