How to set up your tests

Or: An Opinionated Test Runner

This documentation will tell you how to set up your Drupal web site project so it can be tested in a predictable manner.

If your project layout is correct, you can use these commands to run tests:

ddev project-test-phpunit
ddev project-test-cypress

PHPUnit setup

Your site needs a phpunit.xml configuration file for PHPUnit.

A template configuration file is provided in .ddev/misc/phpunit.xml.

This file must be placed at docroot/modules/custom. It will govern the PHPUnit configuration for all tests within docroot/modules/custom. PHPUnit will be run within this directory.

You can put this file where it belongs by copying it:

cp .ddev/misc/phpunit.xml docroot/modules/custom

This PHPUnit configuration file defines a test suite called Custom Test Suite. This suite covers all the tests in the custom modules directory.

Run the tests with this command:

ddev project-test-phpunit

You can add arguments as if you were running the PHPUnit executable:

ddev project-test-phpunit --filter SpecialTest::testSpecialMethod

If you find that your project needs more specialized setup than this for testing, you can make your own PHPUnit testing command. You can use .ddev/commands/web/project-test-phpunit as a starting point by copying it, changing the name, and changing the Description and Usage fields at the top.

Be sure and document the use of this command in your project’s :-)

Cypress setup

Currently, the project Cypress test runner assumes that you have Cypress installed locally on your machine. The runner will run this version of Cypress against the DDEV environment.

Begin by installing Cypress. For DKAN, we require Cypress 8.7.

npm install --location=global cypress@8.7
npx cypress verify
npx cypress info

Next you’ll need to set up the site itself, so there is a live site in DDEV to test against.

ddev dkan-init
ddev dkan-site-install

Other fixture commands may be required before the tests run. For instance, you may need to run ddev dkan-test-users or some other command.

Cypress tests for your site should be in the tests/cypress directory, though this may change.

Now you can run the tests:

ddev project-test-cypress

Much like the PHPUnit command, if you find that your project needs more specialized setup than this for testing, you can make your own Cypress testing command. You can use .ddev/commands/web/project-test-cypress as a starting point by copying it, changing the name, and changing the Description and Usage fields at the top.

Be sure and document the use of this command in your project’s :-)