Note: This documentation is incomplete.


Prepare the site for conversion

The main steps here would be to ensure a fresh config export and add it to your repo. This might or might not be necessary, but is probably a best practice anyway.

Get the web root from composer.json.

Look at the project composer.json file. It will likely have an extra.drupal-scaffold.locations.web-root configuration.

Make a note of that. It’s probably docroot/

Initially configure DDEV.

Use the web root information to configure DDEV:

cd your_project_root
ddev config --project-type drupal9 --docroot YOUR_WEBROOT_VALUE --create-docroot

This command will set up an initial state of configuration. We’re going to override this with ddev-dkan in the next step, but DDEV requires that we do this first.

Get the DKAN DDEV add-on.

ddev get getdkan/ddev-dkan
ddev restart

This will pull down some configuration and scripts. We must then restart the DDEV environment after this.

Set up .gitignore.

For now, we’ll just delete the current .gitignore for the project and only ignore the vendor directory. Alternately, if you don’t want to lose the contents of .gitignore you could rename it.

rm .gitignore
# Alternately: mv .gitignore old.gitignore
echo "vendor/" >> .gitignore

This will cause the Drupal Composer Scaffold plugin to add scaffolded files to the .gitignore file, which we want.

We’ll fill out the rest of the .gitignore file at the end.

Initial Composer install.

Now let’s use DDEV to run composer install, so it can build out some directories for us, to make subsequent steps easier.

ddev composer install

During this process, Composer might ask you if it’s OK for plugins to run, and it’s probably OK to answer yes. You might end up answering ‘yes’ to a number of questions like this:

Do you trust "drupal/core-composer-scaffold" to execute code and wish to enable it now?
(writes "allow-plugins" to composer.json) [y,n,d,?]

Manage the tests, modules, and themes.

The repo likely contains a src/ directory, and within that src/modules. This is where the custom modules for your site live.

Assuming the site has docroot/ directory, we’ll move those to docroot/modules/custom. (If your site has a different web root directory, use that instead.) When we’re done, the contents of src/modules should be inside docroot/modules/custom.

We’ll do the same thing for themes, as well.

mv src/modules docroot/modules/custom
mv src/themes docroot/themes/custom

Your site might also have tests under src/tests. You should move these tests to tests/, so that the project-level test runner can find them.

mv src/tests tests/


DKAN uses a special directory called schema/. This directory is located in src/schema/ under DKAN-Tools, and much like the modules and themes above we should move it.

mv src/schema docroot/

Settings..? Settings.

Let’s state up-front that it’s complicated here.

First of all, we’ll follow the instructions for the DKAN DDEV add-on, and add the DKAN-specific config to settings.php.

cat .ddev/misc/settings.dkan-snippet.php.txt >> docroot/sites/default/settings.php
cp .ddev/misc/settings.dkan.php docroot/sites/default/settings.dkan.php

It’s entirely likely that your project has a src/site/ directory. You’ll note also that DDEV helpfully gave you a docroot/sites/default/settings.php file, along with a settings.ddev.php file. We also now have a settings.dkan.php file.

Now is the time when you have to reconcile your project’s settings files against these.

Examine src/site/settings.php and determine what is needed to be moved over to docroot/sites/default/settings.php, or what could be another external file which is loaded by settings.php.

Candidates for things which are important might include config sync location, and the site hash value.

A complete codebase? Let’s try and install…

Well, maybe our codebase isn’t complete. Did you already have Drush? Let’s ask Composer.

ddev composer show drush/drush | grep versions

If you don’t see a version number, add Drush:

ddev composer require drush/drush

OK, now we can install a site. If your site uses the DKAN module, use ddev dkan-site-install. Otherwise just use Drush.

ddev dkan-site-install
# or...
ddev drush site-install -y

This gives us a plain-vanilla Drupal installation. Launch it and behold its beauty:

ddev launch

Note that we’re seeing aggregated CSS and JS being sent with a MIME type of text/hml, which modern browsers refuse to show. If your site looks like it doesn’t have CSS, you can use Drush to turn off aggregation, for now:

ddev drush -y config-set system.performance css.preprocess 0
ddev drush -y config-set system.performance js.preprocess 0

Log in if you’d like:

ddev drush uli

Import our config

This is really two steps. The site we’re converting probably has some special commands required to get it into a state for importing the configuration, so we’ll explore that first.

Replicate DKAN-Tools Install Process

Your DKAN-Tools site might have some installation steps in its commands. So look at src/command, and look for a command method such as YoursiteInstall(). This probably has some Drush commands which you should emulate.

For instance, here’s a custom DKAN-Tools command from a project:

class MyprojectCommands extends Tasks
  public function MyprojectInstall() {
    `dktl install`;
    `dktl drush entity:delete shortcut_set`;
    `dktl drush pmu shortcut`;
    `dktl drush config:set uuid [YOUR UUID HERE] -y`;
    `dktl drush ci -y`;
    `chmod u+w docroot/sites/default`;
    `dktl drush cr`;
    return $this->taskExec('dktl drush cc drush')

From this we can remove the dktl install command (since that’s the same as ddev dkan-site-install), and then extract the rest and replace dktl with ddev to run Drush. This give us a list like this:

ddev drush entity:delete shortcut_set
ddev drush pmu shortcut
ddev drush config:set uuid [YOUR UUID HERE] -y
ddev drush ci -y
chmod u+w docroot/sites/default
ddev drush cr
ddev drush cc drush

It might be that we don’t need all of these, such as the chmod, or two different cache clear commands. I’m about to tell you to do drush ci so it might also be unneeded at this point.

Now you should perform these commands against the installed site in order to prepare it to import the site configuration.

For bonus points, you can convert this command to a DDEV command which users can then use from then on whenever you install Drupal.

Import Site Configuration

Now that you’ve replicated your site’s DKAN-Tools install command, you can import the site config.

ddev drush cim

Did it work?

Let’s find out:

ddev drush cr
ddev launch

Handy commands for finding out what went wrong include:

ddev logs

Finalize .gitignore for the repo

We can see that Drupal core has provided us with a handy file called docroot/example.gitignore.

We can copy this file to be docroot/.gitignore and it will hide files from Git, such as configuration and public file directories.

We also want to read that file, so we can fully understand what it does, and modify it for our project-related needs.

mv docroot/example.gitignore docroot/.gitignore
# Read and modify docroot/.gitignore as needed...

Alternately, we could move all the rules from example.gitignore to our root-level .gitignore. Whether to do this is an exercise left to the leader of your project.

Also we should visit our top-level .gitignore file so we can be sure we don’t exclude or include the wrong files.

Here’s a .gitignore file which leaves out all the things you can rebuild with Composer.


You probably want to exclude IDE settings:
